Date Title
2/27/2011 Team Email - Schedule

Guys, we officially started back up on our 3 days a week this past Tuesday (2/22/11), by your vote. I was willing to wait another couple of weeks, but the more dedicated athletes want to get started now. As I warned all of you it is very easy to get out of shape during the basketball season if you are not doing the correct volume of work, and if you are not proactive when you are not getting significant playing time. When I say significant, this would be when you average 26 or more minutes a game. I do believe in this brief time we have gradually started back up on our plyo work, the consensus is you are all considerably out of basketball condition. I have no problem with that as it was expected and I shared that with all of you during the season. We reduced our in season workout, to little to no plyo, or even maintenance work as to comply with the wishes of the current VMHS staff. Right or wrong, I knew what would happen but have no regret in that decision.

But, now it is time to move forward. I do feel all of you can have as much gain as you did last season and for a few even much more. Just remember, you must no miss days and you must commit yourself to do the work with your best effort to achieve the gains.

Please get with those that have been absent so we can have the group in its entirety and they don't get too far behind.

There are a few tournaments on the immediate horizon that we may want to consider, just to get a few games in and to work on our sets and rotations.

Coach Charlie

Also, good work today by the group as a whole. Illouise you may want to get Josh's info and get him on our list if you have not done so.